Stor-Skälsjön wind farm in Sweden delivers renewable energy to telecom infrastructure provider Telenor.
Stor-Skälsjön, in Sundsvall and Timrå municipalities, was developed jointly by Hydro Rein and Eolus. Construction began in 2022 and full commercial operation is expected in 2024. The wind farm has 42 wind turbines.
The wind farm delivers renewable energy to telecom infrastructure provider Telenor Infra AS following a 10-year power purchase agreement with Hydro Energi.
Located in price area SE2, Stor-Skälsjön has an installed capacity of 260 MW and an estimated annual production capacity of 802 GWh, corresponding to the needs of approximately 160,000 Swedish households.
The owners of Stor-Skälsjön are Hydro Rein and MEAG.